Sunday, December 21, 2008

And the mystery is solved!

Harper has started collecting things. . .just like his daddy!! :) He always pulls off his socks if he does not have on a pair of shoes to hold them down! This afternoon, Russ went to get the twins up from their nap and uncovered the mystery of the disappearing socks! Harper has been peeling off his socks and has been placing them behind his crib!!! We found quite a collection!!


The Sharum's said...

hahahahahhaha - that's hilarious!!! I love reading your entries,b/c I can SSOOOO relate..

Rachel Brown said...

I hope you made him fold all those socks and put them away haaaaaaaaaaaa.

One day at a time said...

That is hilarious!!!!! I bet you are glad you don't have to go buy anymore socks! Have a great day!