Monday, April 13, 2009

We now have tubes!

Russ and I took Harper to the hospital this morning at 6:30 for his tubes in his ears. I couldn't have been more excited! So long ear infections!!! They did Ashton so much good so I hopeful that my very serious (and sometimes almost borderline unhappy)child will now join his twin brother and be a happy little boy. Here is a picture of the twins TRYING to play this morning. Poor Harper was still a little "drunk" from the surgery but giving it his best.

Please note that my twins are wearing different clothes. If you know me, you know that I NEVER EVER EVER dress them different. Their pjs even match at night. If one of them has an accident during the day or night, then they both MUST change! House Rules and everyone follows. Today is an exception and it will probably never happen again until the boys are old enough to tell me that they don't want to dress alike. Who knows, I may still make them dress alike!!


Rachel Brown said...

If you didn't know it would appear Henry had the tubes put in instead of Harper.

Sarah and Brad said...

Glad he got tubes...I've heard it's a world of difference after! The boys are getting so big...and of course still gorgeous!

One day at a time said...

ok when I pulled up your blog I could tell there was something different....the twins dressed different!!!!!!! I have to agree with you on that, don't dress them different until they are older! Precious as always!

nat said...

anyone w/twins should dress them the same....even boy/girl twins should match...i think it is the law!