Friday, February 20, 2009

Henry's first haircut

Today I took Henry for his first haircut. I did NOT want any length taken off but only the big frizz ball on the back of his head. It was REALLY getting out of control!! I took him by myself so the pictures are not very good. If you are wondering, Harper has VERY different hair. It is brown and very waxy. It is also really short and has no frizz like Henry's. I am posting a before picture of Henry's WILD hair and then a couple of pictures during his haircut. I do not have an after picture but it looks the same as the before minus the frizz!!
Oh by the way, if you are wondering where I took my child for his first haircut, we only go to the best!! Super Cuts!! We make sure that NO ONE will recognize us! Ashton always seem to misbehave while getting his hair cut. Henry actually did really good but Ashton is another story! He is terrible during a haircut! I love me some Super Cuts!!!

1 comment:

Heather said...

check my got an award!